Hello Chapter Members!

As we come up to the end of this chapter year, which concludes this coming June 30th, we are now ready to make an announcement concerning the Chapter’s leadership for next year.

You may recall that we did our annual Call for Volunteers in April, and it took us a little while longer than our planned schedule to fill our Chapter Nominated Slate of Officers.

However, I am so excited to now be able to share the wonderful news that we have several members who have graciously volunteered to lead the NCMA Space Coast Chapter’s Board for the 2024 - 2025 program year.

The Space Coast Chapter’s Board of Directors has elected to make the following announcement to its membership based upon this guidance from our Chapter By-Laws:

In accordance with Article III – Paragraph D, if, after the close of nominations, there are unopposed candidates for specific offices, the Chapter Board of Directors may declare via a formal notification to the general Chapter Membership in an email that the unopposed candidates are thereby elected to their respective offices and the names of the unopposed candidates will not appear on a formal ballot for election of officers submitted to the general Chapter Membership in May as normally provided for in Article E.

Therefore, I’m pleased to announce that the individuals below are hereby elected to the NCMA Space Coast (SCC) 2024 - 2025 Board of Directors.


David DeFrieze

Senior Vice President / President-Elect

Todd Tolson


Duc Nguyen


Victoria Alterman

VP Membership, Website & Communications

Jessica Curry

VP Programs and Education

Roy Nyquist

I am confident the new NCMA SCC Board will lead our Chapter through another fantastic year of programming and events. Please join me in congratulating our new Board members!

We will be installing these new Board Chapter Officers at our last meeting for this chapter year, which will be held in person on Thursday, June 13, 2024 from 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM. Please save the date! We are still working out the venue and an announcement and invitation will be forthcoming and sent out to the entire membership.

Please stay tuned for more details in a follow on email blast where you will then be able to reserve your attendance in what we hope will be a good end of the Chapter Year celebration for the membership to fete our Chapter Fellows, the new Chapter Board of Directors, and to thank all those individuals who helped serve the Chapter on the Board this past year.

You will also hear a message later in June from our President, David DeFrieze, who will be returning in that office for the upcoming Chapter Year and will summarize what was accomplished this past year.

I hope everyone is well and look forward to seeing you soon in June!


Robert P. Sheehan
NCMA Space Coast Chapter, Chair of Nominations and Elections