It is nomination time! Looking for new opportunities and seeking personal growth? Please consider nominating yourself or another individual.
Robert P. Sheehan and Ursula Nkwantabisa are the Nominations and Elections Co-Chairs. The Co-Chairs for Nominations and Elections shall be responsible for filling the slate of officers and ensuring that elections are completed by the dates established.
It is vital that we have a sufficient number of volunteers to fulfill the following roles identified below in order for the Chapter to continue for the next Year and beyond!
The NCMA Space Coast Chapter Election Timeline milestones are shown below:
- NLT March 31 Call for Nominations and Election Information will be provided to membership
- April 11 Nominee submissions due via "Contact Us" NLT 12 Noon EST
- April 12 Nominees will be announced at April Chapter meeting and on the Chapter Website
- May 1 - 9 In accordance with the Chapter By-Laws, elections for new Officers via Email balloting will take place if there is competition for the offices; otherwise, the nominated slate will become the New Chapter Officers by acclamation and announced to the Chapter membership at either the May Chapter Meeting or by email and placed on the Chapter Website.
- May 10 The Chapter’s New Officers will be communicated to the Membership on or before May 10th. (FYI, There will not be a meeting in May this Chapter Year).
- NLT May 12 Notification to NCMA National HQ of the election results and the new Chapter Officers.
- June 14 New Officer Inductions/Installation
The Space Coast Chapter of the National Contract Management Association (NCMA) is soliciting nominations for Chapter Officers for the 2023-2024 Program Year. All positions are open for interested parties. If you are interested in serving on the board this year or nominating another individual, please advise via our website Nomination Submission Form. Include nominee's Name, email, phone number, and board position.
Should you have any questions or comments, please Contact Us.
In order to be eligible to be a Chapter Officer, you must:
- Be a NCMA Space Coast Chapter member in good standing (if you are a non-member submit dues through
- Submit Name, email, phone, Position Name via the Nomination Submission Form (The Chairs will contact all nominees post nomination submission)
- Provide by nomination deadline to the Elections Chairs a sentence or paragraph describing your interest
- Photos and/or BIOs welcome should you decide to do so (Optional)
BOARD POSITIONS - (All positions, including President, are open this year although some current Board members may intend to make known their intention to return either in current or new roles.)
President (currently held by Deborah Miller-Caldwell)
The President runs the General Meetings and the Board Meetings. The President makes sure Reports are delivered to National on time. The President votes in the election for Directors (via email.) It is not necessary for the President to attend any National Meetings. Although to some people the idea of being President sounds intimidating – in reality it is a great experience. It is a great opportunity to meet a lot of people and contribute a little something back to your Chapter. The office of President also contributes significant points to earning the honor of Fellow.
The Chapter President is elected by the members of the chapter in accordance with the National Bylaws and Chapter Bylaws and is accountable to the National Board of Directors for the operation and activities of the chapter. The President is the chapter’s chief elected officer and chairman of the board. The Chapter President’s duties include:
- Identifying, developing, and mentoring new chapter leaders;
- Developing the chapter’s annual operating plan, membership recruitment plan, and membership retention plan with other officers and volunteers;
- Overseeing the performance of chapter officers and other volunteers;
- Ensuring that resources are in place for the chapter to effectively operate and that resources are used for the purpose intended;
- Ensuring that an annual audit is conducted;
- Voting in the national elections; and
- Serving as the chapter’s voice to the national organization through the elected NCMA board directors, and sharing national information with chapter officers, volunteers, and members.
- Notifying the national office of the results of chapter elections and appointments of volunteers.
Senior Vice-President / President Elect
(currently held by AJ Jablonsky; unfortunately, AJ will not be able to service as Chapter President next year)
The President-Elect/Senior Vice-President assists the President and coordinates the functions of the junior vice-presidents. The Chapter Senior Vice-President follows the Chapter President in the line of Chapter Authority. In the absence or incapacity of the Chapter President, the Chapter Senior Vice-President assumes the authority, duties and responsibilities of the President.
The President-Elect/Senior Vice-President leads the chapter in the absence of the president and is first in the line of succession. They serve as the senior advisor to the President. These duties include:
- Assuming the duties of the president in the event of his or her absence;
- Advising and assisting the president in the conduct of his or her duties;
- Serving as a member of the chapter’s board of directors;
- Performing functional duties assigned to the position, if any; and
- As president-elect, assuming the duties of the presidency the following program year.
Vice-President of Membership, Website & Communications (currently held by Beverly Neurock)
The Chapter VP of Membership is responsible for managing chapter membership concerns, chapter communications and the Chapter Website via email blasts and updates to the Chapter Website. He/she recruits new members for membership in the Association, encourages membership renewal, and ensures membership benefits are delivered to Chapter members.
The duties include:
- Recruiting new members to NCMA and contacting headquarters for promotional materials for membership recruitment;
- Maintaining chapter membership roster records and reports;
- Establishing a membership campaign for new and renewing NCMA members;
- Pulling data for Membership Anniversaries and preparing certificates for awards ceremonies;
- Interfacing with the Site Webmaster and overseeing the Chapter Website; and
- Provide updates at board meetings concerning chapter membership data
Vice-President of Programs and Education (currently held by Sarah Burnotte-Schaffer)
The Vice-President of Programs and Education develops and plans 1) informative programs designed to assist Chapter members in their professional development. The focus is to enhance and promote programs to serve the needs of a diverse membership and 2) chapter education programs to facilitate the professional growth of Chapter members. The focus is on fostering professional development through national and chapter sponsored training programs and encouraging professional certification.
The VP for Programs & Education is second in line of succession. The VP for Programs & Education's duties include:
- Preparing an agenda of programs and educational seminars for the program year;
- Coordinating the invitation of speakers for all such programs;
- Coordinating announcements and invitations for all such programs; and
- Arranging for Continuing Education credits to be awarded for attendance to educational seminars.
Secretary (was held by Gina DeSalvo-Green who resigned in February of 2023; office currently unfilled with duties distributed amongst Board Members)
The Chapter Secretary maintains the official records of all Chapter activities and property, except for financial affairs. The Secretary acts as the official recorder for the Space Coast Chapter and publishes and distributes minutes of the Executive Council monthly meetings. Assists the VP of Membership and Communications communicating with chapter members.
Duties include:
- Notifying board members of board meetings;
- Recording, distributing, and retaining meeting minutes; and
- Maintaining the chapter bylaws.
Treasurer (currently held by Victoria Alterman)
The Treasurer is responsible for effectively managing and maintaining accurate records of the Chapter’s finances. The Treasurer prepares financial statements for the chapter and also prepares annual reports for the National Office.
The Chapter Treasurer’s duties include:
- Maintaining the chapter treasury and financial records;
- Obtaining and maintaining a Federal Tax ID number for the chapter;
- Receiving funds from activities and depositing these funds into the chapter’s bank account;
- Processing check or credit card payments;
- Producing and providing financial reports to the chapter board of directors each month;
- Filing the annual financial report with the national office; and
- Absent an audit committee, identifying the individual to conduct the annual audit of the chapter’s financial records.
Please consider stepping up and making a difference to ensure the continued operation and vitality of the NCMA Florida Space Coast Chapter!