David C. DeFrieze

Company Owner -DeFrieze Consulting and Programs LLC ·Cape Canaveral, Florida

Helps companies execute and understand their contractual obligations on U.S. Federal Defense and Aerospace Contracts. Trains and provides advise on a wide variety of acquisition, negotiation, contracting, and Alternative Dispute Resolution matters. 

Deputy Chief Counsel BAE Systems, Inc. Virginia – Florida

Lead Counsel for BAE Ordnance Systems, Inc. Provided overall advice to senior leadership on a wide range of matters including Government and Commercial contracts, REA’s Claims and litigation, supply chain issues, policy development, FAR, DFAR, OSHA and other regulatory compliance matters, investigations, intellectual property, proposal preparation, and inter-organization conflict management.  Developed and presented training to a wide variety of employees.

Chief Counsel - U.S. Army Research Development and Engineering Command

Chief Counsel overseeing 100+ legal personnel in 6 legal offices.  Responsible for delivery of all legal support to RDECOM commander and staff, a $6B+ research and development command with 17,000+ scientist, engineers, and support personnel. Command Lead Ethics Official, FOIA Initial Denial Authority, and Congressional Liaison responsibility. 

Board Member and Chairman - Evac Systems Fire & Rescue Equipment, Inc

Guided woman owned small business long term strategy and operations. Moved company from significant loss to profit within one year.

Business Attorney and Division Chief, U.S. Army Material Command

Significant experience with all aspects of government acquisition including both FAR and non-FAR transactions. Initiated and developed the AMC Partnering for Success Program utilized by over 100 major programs to improve communication and teamwork with major DOD contractors.  Trained thousands of acquisition professionals on acquisition and change management.

Chief, International and Operations Law and Lead LOGCAP and War Reserve Program Attorney

Advise multi-billion dollar program manager and acquisition professionals on tactical, operational, and strategic issues facing operational contracting.  Lead counsel to the U.S. Army LOGCAP program, Army War Reserve and other Operational Contracts.  Voluntarily traveled into Iraq and Afghanistan over 20 times each.  Helped craft OCS policy and doctrine.  Developed training programs for overseas JAGs, and provided training on operational contract issues to hundreds of senior acquisition professionals.



Headshot of a man in front of a U.S. Flag. He has short light brown hair. He is wearing a black suit with a white shirt underneath and a red tie.

David C. DeFrieze

President, NCMA
 Space Coast Chapter